“Two thousand and five hundred years after my passing the Dharma will spread to the land of the red-faced people” - The Buddha

“When the iron bird flies,
and horses run on wheels,
The Tibetan people will be scattered like ants across the World,
And the Dharma will come
to the land of the Red Man.”-  Padmasambhava

Supporting the Practice of Buddhism in the United States through Padmasambhava Buddhist Center

The Hinman Charity is committed to supporting the manifestation and sharing of traditional Buddhist culture in the United States. It seeks to support initiatives to provide space for meditative practice, cultural exchange and engagement, and meaningful dialogue about Buddhist principles.

The Hinman Charity is proud of its ongoing relationship with Padmasambhava Buddhist Center (PBC), a Buddhist meditation and study center in the Tibetan Nyingma tradition founded in 1989. William Hinman had a strong relationship with PBC and this remains one of the greatest priorities of the Charity  so that the PBC can continue to provide a meditation center focused in the tradition of Tibetan Buddhism. Since it was established, the Charity has been instrumental in supporting Padma Samye Ling, a monastery in upstate New York founded by the Venerable Khenchen Palden Rinpoche and the Venerable Khenpo Tsewang Dongyal Rinpoche. The Khenpo Rinpoches fled Tibet during the Chinese invasion, and eventually settled in the United States.

In the legacy of William Hinman, the Hinman Charity continues to support the Padmasambhava Buddhist Center. PBC operates nearly thirty Buddhist centers worldwide, and undertakes dharma projects to promote peace throughout the world. In addition to its support of PBC operations within the United States, the Hinman Charity has partnered with PBC to carry out specific projects internationally, including the Gochen Monastery Project in Tibet, the nunnery in Sarnath, India, and the Miracle Stupa in Shravasti, India.